
Shogi Rules

You win by capturing your opponent’s King.
Captured pieces can be replaced on the board under your control.
Entering enemy territory promotes pieces.

The King Can move one space in any direction. You lose if this piece is captured.
The Rook Can move any number of spaces horizontally or vertically. When promoted, can also move one space diagonally.
The Bishop Can move any number of spaces diagonally. When promoted, can also move one space horizontally.
The Gold General Moves one space, but not backwards diagonal.
The Silver General Can’t move sideways or backwards. Becomes a Gold General upon promotion.
The Knight Moves like a knight in chess, but only in a forward direction. Becomes a Gold General upon promotion.
The Lance Can only move forward. Becomes a Gold General upon promotion.
The Pawn Can only move one step forward. Becomes a Gold General upon promotion.